Crossrail (Elizabeth Line)

Crossrail C610

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Scope of works

REL was originally engaged by the ATC JV to complete all works associated with the installation of the OLE infrastructure within the Plumstead sidings depot. This included the main steel installation, SPS and associated cantilevers, long track wiring, along with the associated switches, section insulators and supplementary bonding. REL completed these works safely and ahead of programme. From this, we were engaged to complete further work within the mainline tunnels that had originally been allocated to another contractor. REL installed in excess of 40km of ridged beam catenary equipment, inclusive of supporting brackets, tunnel drilling and wire installation.

Following this success, REL moved onto other workstreams associated with unfinished works across the entire length of the project. These were completed while also closing out third party rectification works to satisfy the client requirements and handover for energisation. We also completed a varied volume of work associated with TQ’s and design modifications. On completion of these works post energisation and train testing, REL has been retained as the sole contractor to carry out all works on behalf of Crossrail associated with the systemwide maintenance of the OLE system. This will continue until handover to RFL and possibly beyond.